Products & Services

Zviko Thuli Stud
In line with climate smart agriculture, Zvikomborero has moved from all other breeds it was involved in in cattle and chose Zimbabwe’s very own breed Tuli and Mashona. The business has positioned itself to become the biggest Tuli breeder of stud cattle in Zimbabwe. Tuli and Mashoma breeds are locally developed and adapted breeds and species capable of surviving and producing under conditions such as our high temperatures and less predictable rainfall patterns. To this end, Zvikomberero has bought in from the region top genetic material of bulls and heifers from renowned breeders like Gousberg, Rau Easy and Nonnie Tuli Studs. Locally, high quality bulls from top and highly experienced breeders like Jambo (Johsons) and Fertyline (Stubs) have been bought in for Zvikomborero breeding. Zvikomborero’s seasoned experts in animal husbandry ensures that great care be always taken not to compromise the natural hardiness and adaptability of the breed.

Zviko Feeds n' More
Nutrition is the topmost function that guarantees best results in breeding top quality animals with high productivity. Zviko farms has over the past few years researched and has formulated f fit for purpose feed for goats. Starting with the bucks which must get their specialized feed for high performance, to flushing the does to be ready conceive to give the twining effect, to the lactating mothers and to the creep feed to ensure fast growth with no disease, Zviko can supplies the feed.

Zviko Boran Stud
Moving with the times, Zviko is now breeding the “breed of the moment”, the Boran. With the core herd of the breeding stock acquired from a top Namibian breeder, we are poised to put on the market excellent Boran genetics in Zimbabwe.

Zviko Boer & Kalahari Red Stud
In response to current environment of climate change, Zvikomborero saw the many economic benefits to go into goat production as a species resilient to climate change. Thus Zvikomborero has now positioned itself as the biggest registered producer of stud and commercial goats in the various breeds like Boer, Kalahari Red, Saneens and indigenous goats. The stud animals at Zvikomborero are registered with the Zimbabwe Herd Book and are certified pure breeds.

School of Farming Excellence
Our farm training school is focused on providing valuable practical skills and knowledge on Farming as a business. The training is run by Zvikomborero Farm Experts in partnership with various key stakeholders from the Government, research institutions and private sector players. The Objectives of the training school to close the gap in knowledge, skills and poor attitude in livestock production, marketing and processing that meet the requirements of the processors and consumers of meat along the value chain who require specific product characteristics and quality.

Eggs n' More
Eggs and More is an enterprise within the Zvikomborero Farms operations that produces organic table eggs of high quality that are sold to food manufacturers as well as retail chains. The enterprise is fully integrated with the beef cattle and goats enterprises as there is enhancement of ecosystem at the Farm since the chicken waste is used to feed cattle. The Business unit has partnered with rural smallholder farmers who produce eggs for the Business on a contractual arrangement to supplement what is being produced at the Farm.